Fresh or Frozen Organic Blueberries as Antioxidants?
Most of us have heard that blueberries are great antioxidants, and a very healthy food. In the Summer in California, I can easily buy fresh organic blueberries. Though when Fall hits, fresh organic blueberries get very expensive, if they can be found at all.
So I wonder if I should switch to fresh non-organic, or buy organic frozen blueberries. Fortunately, I recently heard on a Food Revolution Summit broadcast that a study was done with fresh, frozen, and dried blueberries. The results were that the antioxidants are still present after freezing, though not so much after drying. Dried fruit has high concentrations of sugar, so I rarely eat dried fruit anyway.
The more I read about the toxins allowed on our food, the more convinced I am that Organic food is what I want to put in my body. So I will be buying frozen organic blueberries until the fresh organic blueberries arrive again. Check out for more tips on healthy eating.