Jin Shinjitzu, Accupressure, Crystal Therapy, Healing, Stress Relief

Jin Shinjitzu, Accupressure, Crystal Therapy, Healing, Stress Relief

Friday, September 9, 2011

Pondering the Essential Questions fo Life

What if when all is said and done the essential questions of life are: 

  • How well did you know yourself ? 
  • How much capacity did you have for loving yourself ? 
  • And were you true to yourself ? 
Clients drag themselves into my office, exhausted and frustrated. They are imprisoned by stressful jobs and unending obligations. They hear their bodies complain with symptoms and disease, though they feel trapped and helpless wishing desperately for more time in the day so they could rest.

What if the true measure of life is about how well you take care of yourself?  What if the only questions are how well were you able to be the fullness of your unique body mind spirit package? How well did you serve the world by engaging with it fully while joyfully sharing your unique gifts? 

Jin Shin Jyutsu, Acupressure, Crystal Resonance and Flower Essences can all help reduce stress, pain, chronic and critical conditions.