Jin Shinjitzu, Accupressure, Crystal Therapy, Healing, Stress Relief

Jin Shinjitzu, Accupressure, Crystal Therapy, Healing, Stress Relief

Friday, May 9, 2014

FREE Encore of the Food Revolution Summit - On Demand, All Weekend Until Sunday May 11th !

Free Encore On Demand All Weekend Until Sunday May 11!

Many us of are fed up with not knowing what's in our food. Others are ready to make changes in what they eat as a path to better health. 

The Food Summit Revolution interviews arm us with the information we need for moving forward. The demand for this life changing information has been so great this year, that all of the interviews will be streaming on demand all through Sunday, May 11th.

Now you can catch up on any presentations you missed, and share it all with friends and loved ones. You can get breakthrough insights from Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Robert Lustig, JJ Virgin, Dr. Dean Ornish, Andrew Kimbrell, Jane Goodall, Woody Harrelson, Amy Goodman, Vani Hari (Food Babe), Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, and 12 more amazing food leaders. 

I will continue posting highlights on this blog. And I'd enjoy hearing your favorite highlights.
You can email me at wiseinfo@me.com