Jin Shinjitzu, Accupressure, Crystal Therapy, Healing, Stress Relief

Jin Shinjitzu, Accupressure, Crystal Therapy, Healing, Stress Relief

Friday, January 6, 2012

Living Life With Gusto, I Discovered the Healing Power of Dancing!

I remember the look on my dance partner’s face when the foxtrot music gave way to a lively cha-cha. He watched keenly as I bent my knees and moved my hips to the beat. I didn’t know him well, though he appeared to be a rather reserved fellow, so I asked, “Is it OK with you that I dance with attitude?” 

“Of course,” he replied, with a big grin. “I wouldn’t want it any other way."

“That’s good, because it’s the only way I dance.” I beamed back.

And yes, I am smiling most of the time. In fact, I am smiling much more now that I am dancing so often. I am told that it is quite contagious. :o)

In 2011 I gave myself the amazing gift of connecting with my passion for Ballroom and Swing dancing. I went from dancing two different dances, each once a week, to dancing lots of different dances, five nights a week. I haven’t counted how many of the 19 Ballroom dances I know. Though I can tell you that when I started listing all the different lessons I took this year, it filled an entire page. (So that will have to be another post...)

Though this was not an exercise in accomplishment. As I tell anyone who will listen, I dance for FUN! And the bonus is that while I am having a good time, I am learning to dance pretty well.  And that makes it way more fun! 

The exciting part is that I have discovered that dancing is so physically, mentally, and emotionally healing for me that it is actually necessary for me to dance to feel my best. My Holistic Dr. is convinced that the rhythmic movement of dancing healed my digestion. And I know it strengthened my feet and legs after many injuries. Dancing even thinned my thighs. So my legs now look better than they have since I was a teenager. I never would have guessed that was possible. 

Another joy is that after a wonderful evening of dancing, I can literally feel the endorphins flooding me as my mood and energy level soar.  I do energy work and I can tell you that what I feel is delicious energy! So I have decided to use my skills to keep that good energy vibrating in all of my life. So watch out, world. My plan for the New Year is to live with the same enthusiasm and attitude I have on the dance floor, in every moment of my life. 

btw, Many enjoy my dancing vicariously and often ask me if I watch Dancing with the Stars. Of course I don’t watch TV. I am out dancing. Though if you love to watch dancing, you may love to hear my stories and see photos of my dancing costumes. Look for further posts on Why I Love to Follow on the Dance Floor and Finding Community on the Dance Floor....And if you would like to come dance with me, email me at wiseinfo.com to get the fun started...