What is the Primus Activation Healing Technique™
Primus Activation Healing Technique™ represents a bridge between modern science and our emerging understanding of energy and the human spirit. The effectiveness of this natural approach to healing is now validated by current scientific research.
Cutting edge research in neuro-cardiology, heart/brain entrainment, and human energetics, reveals that the electrical signal of the heart is 60 times stronger than the brain and the magnetic signal is 5,000 times stronger than the brain.
So through the law of resonance, the brain must entrain with the heart, translating the heart's signals into biochemical cascades that direct the body (www.heartmath.org/research). The Primus state is an identifiable energetic and emotional state of coherence between the heart and brain that has been proven to have a discernible impact on the biochemistry of the body. This biochemical shift assists the body in entering a state that is optimal for the healing process.
Why is energy balancing so important and so powerful?
At birth, our energy is attuned to the natural frequency of the earth’s electro-magnetic field. The human heart, our biggest electromagnetic energy oscillator is kept in tune by resonating with the pulse of the earth. Until recently, humans lived on the earth and were exposed to only natural frequencies of electromagnetic energy from the sunlight, moonlight, starlight... So it was easy to stay in tune.
Now we are living in homes and working in buildings in times when technology permeates everyday life with electronic devices. Our bodies are exposed to frequencies that take us away from the natural frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field, which is the natural healing state. So the heart is constantly trying to come into resonance with the intense frequencies it is bombarded with. The heart literally gets out of tune with the nourishment of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Energy work rebalances one’s energy for optimal health.
What to Expect During a Session
Clients are fully clothed and resting comfortably laying face up on a massage table. They experience relaxation during gentle hands-on and meditative techniques to activate and entrain the main energy centers along the body.
As they enter the Primus state, clients report feeling deep relaxation, and a sense of well being. Some are aware of a sensation of release of limitations or a feeling of spiritual connection. If desired, clients can be taught to reach and maintain the Primus state on their own to continue the healing benefits and enhance their personal and spiritual growth.