Jin Shinjitzu, Accupressure, Crystal Therapy, Healing, Stress Relief

Jin Shinjitzu, Accupressure, Crystal Therapy, Healing, Stress Relief

Friday, January 20, 2012

Valentine's Day - Boosting Love Energy

On the day of Love, in the month of Love, I am sending out a strong beam of Love to all of you. I am feeling your love enfold me in return. I am deeply grateful for your presence in my life and for the light you shine on my path. I am inviting you to look carefully enough to see everything through the eyes of Love. 

Can you remember the rush of new Love? 
Have you experienced the comfort of seasoned Love, and the power of forever Love? 

Love is the most healing energy. 
Let us commit to healing ourselves, each other, and the world, with Love.

I hosted a Madly In Love With Me Celebration on Sunday, Honoring The International Day of Self-Love, February 13th. Seven wise women co-created a sacred circle as we opened our hearts to deepening the most important relationship of all, the Love relationship with ourselves. While we played and partied, I wove in a Self-Love class rich with reminders, strategies and tools. The process was so joyful and so enriching, we will likely create more circles. So stay tuned. . . 

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